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Bank Indonesia to move its operational

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011 | 07.44

Bank Indonesia to prepare emergency measures if conditions continue to deteriorate the eruption of Mount Merapi. Bank Indonesia will move its operation to Semarang if KBI affected by the eruption of Merapi in Yogyakarta.

According to the Bureau Chief of Public Relations Difi Johansyah BI, with the KBI Yogyakarta Merapi distance about 30 kilometers. "If conditions deteriorate BI business contingency plan would be the way in which the Regional Operational BI Semarang Yogyakarta will be conducted, including the evacuation of employees," he told VIVAnews in Jakarta Friday, November 5, 2010.

He explained the current clearing running normally, but some of the cash offices in the affected areas were closed. The plan above is done if the conditions jeopardize "operational Displacement done if it is dangerous, as yet," he said.

While the Director of Currency Circulation of Bank Indonesia, Mokhammad Dahlan in Yogyakarta, said the circulation of money remains relatively normal despite the panic caused by the eruption of Mount Merapi. "He said he has not received requests for additional need for money in Yogyakarta," everything is still relatively normal, "he said.

According to him, even if there is a moment of panic will just happen. "Saving money in the bank is more secure than to be kept at home.
07.44 | 0 komentar | Read More

Disaster Emergency Fund Not Liquid

Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission VIII Karding Abdul Kadir urged the government, particularly the Minister of Finance, to immediately disburse additional funds for emergency response Rp150 billion already approved by Parliament.

"Not yet liquid, I've check to BNPB (National Disaster Management Agency)," said Karding in Parliament, on Friday 5 November 2010.

Karding acknowledges, the proposed additional funding was actually approved by Parliament and signed by the Vice Chairman of the House Priyo Budi Santoso last Friday.

However, when he was in the Mentawai yesterday, while meeting with Deputy Emergency Response BNPB and ask directly if additional funds are spent, it turns out as well known yet. "But we still have a reserve fund of Rp 50 billion ready to use," said Karding.

So far, the fund is exactly what used to assist the victims in some areas of the unfortunate disasters such as the Wasior, Mentawai, and the region of Mount Merapi.

To that end, the House of Representatives Commission VIII, will urge the government to immediately disburse additional funds for emergency response keperluang disaster.

"Monday (next week), we want to make sure that it can get out. We will invite the Minister of Finance, BNPB, and also the Minister of Social Affairs to the meeting. We have to make sure those funds out," said Karding.

Additional use of fund allocation for Rp150 billion, said Karding priority for emergency response such as evacuation, evacuation, wound care, treatment for refugees who are sick, logistics, and all derivatives due to disasters that befall.
07.42 | 0 komentar | Read More

Sleman Emergency Status

Governor of Yogyakarta (DIY) Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X says all refugee camps in the main post has been moved to a new location following a great eruption of Mount Merapi, early this morning. Currently, he said, the refugees registered 40 thousand people.

"At the Youth Center, UGM (Universitas Gadjah Mada) and UPN (National Development University), as well as sports stadiums Maguoharjo (Sleman)," said Sultan, Friday, November 5, 2010.

Refugees, he said, had not dared to go up again to the slopes as they did after the first eruption, Oct. 26. "They're back and forth. Climb the slopes of the morning, afternoon off because they do have to take care of farming or livestock," he said. "But today no one else dared."

Especially for Sleman, he said, his status has now become an emergency. Conditions in the region, he said, had discussed with the regent. "I am concerned with this second disaster," he said.

Until now, the status is still Awas Merapi. By the eruption last night, 69 recorded deaths and 100 people suffered burns. All the victims were rushed to hospital Sardjito.
07.39 | 0 komentar | Read More

Altitude Code River in Critical Threshold

The height of water in the Code River, was in critical threshold. Yogyakarta residents were warned to stay away from 58 points along the Code River 3 kilometers.

Mayor of Yogyakarta, Herry Zudianto say when it rains from the north (Merapi) then the community must be alert to stay away from the River Code. "Already we continue to watch, if you must evacuate northern rains," said Herry to VIVAnews in Jakarta Friday, November 5, 2010.

Code is now filled with river silt between 6 to 1.5 meters so that the volume of water shrank. "That's likely to run over all" he said.

As is known, a large eruption early this morning not only issued a heat clouds 'wedhus trash' in the direction of Kali Gendol. Merapi also spewed cold lava.

Although still far from the threat of hot clouds, the city of Yogyakarta threatened cold lava flood. Status Alert 1 has been set. Not only that status also became alert. Post-evacuation shelters have been prepared.

Previously, Herry explain, I standby status determination is not due to the danger of hot clouds. Moreover, the distance of the city of Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta with more than 30 kilometers.

Meanwhile, an appeal from the Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) Ministry of Energy set a safe zone to a radius of 20 kilometers. "Radius is still quite safe, and may not be hot clouds to the city of Yogyakarta," he stated.

Yogyakarta Herry appealed to people to remain calm and not panic, just be alert to the occurrence of cold lava flood, especially for residents on the banks of the Code.
07.38 | 0 komentar | Read More

Mount Merapi emergency response

House of Representatives (DPR) form a special team to directly oversee the handling of emergency response at the disaster site.

Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives, Taufik Kurniawan said the team's formation is related to the increasingly alarming situation at Mount Merapi. The team will be led by Chairman of Commission VIII, Abdul Kadir Karding.

"God willing, the Commission VIII will form teams and direct supervision of disaster monitoring in Klaten, Magelang, and Yogyakarta," Taufik said in the House of Representatives, Jakarta, Friday, November 5, 2010.

Realizing that the conditions at Mount Merapi, the House felt the need to take special steps to form a monitoring team, to assist and ensure that emergency response to the community implemented better.

According to Taufik, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono also has made a step to anticipative, and asked the people away, and raise to 20 km radius of cartilage.

"This means that Merapi is really needs to be addressed and received considerable attention," said Taufik.

Meanwhile, Abdul Kadir Karding who met separately in the House to justify it. "It will form three teams," said Karding.

Although already scheduled to lead the team monitoring the implementation of the pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia, but Karding prefer participating in disaster control team.

"Staying concentrated on Merapi. Supervision batalkani my pilgrimage," said Karding.

Teams will be formed later will coordinate with local government and National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB). Coordination meetings will be conducted immediately at the disaster site.

"Tentative only, which is important all goes well the handling of refugees. All done directly on the site let more quickly," said Karding.
07.21 | 0 komentar | Read More

XL Deport Yogyakarta Early Employees

PT XL Axiata Tbk states, dismiss employees is one of the options that are very likely to be taken in an emergency as happened in Yogyakarta. But the policy was adjusted to conditions prevailing.

It is delivered as a clarification XL news Merapi erupts, Employees Have Yogya XL Holidays.

Even since Thursday, November 4, 2010, XL's management has announced to the entire staff that allowed employees to leave early or not come to work permit if it feels no longer able to work comfortably.

XL expressed permission should be done so that management can monitor the safety of those employees, including evacuation or provide assistance if needed.

In addition, management has also set up offices XL XL Yogyakarta as a place of refuge for XL employees and their families.

Although the safety of employees is the number one, as a telecommunications service operator, XL is also committed to maintaining the condition of the network and services to customers.

Moreover, in emergency conditions such as those currently occurring in Yogyakarta and its surroundings, the need for improved telecommunications services from customers, including for emergency purposes.

XL has also paid great attention for the safety of employees and their families who live in areas around the disaster site, including Yogyakarta.

They put the safety of its employees as the main thing. For that, XL is monitoring the situation and conditions in the field and do all applicable safety procedures to ensure the safety of employees and their families, in addition to the company's assets.
07.16 | 0 komentar | Read More
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